Media requests should be directed to:

Katy Riddick, Voices of Alzheimer’s Secretariat


Phone: +1 202 223 2027



 Voices of Alzheimer's Demands CMS End Discrimination Against Alzheimer's Patients and Expand Access to New Treatments in Light of Groundbreaking Donanemab Research Results

Washington, DC, May 3, 2023 – Voices of Alzheimer's, a leading advocacy group for people with Alzheimer's disease welcomed the positive results from Eli Lilly's TRAILBLAZER-ALZ 2 Phase 3 study, which demonstrated that donanemab significantly slowed cognitive and functional decline in early Alzheimer's disease. However, we continue to express our outrage with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for their continued discrimination against Alzheimer's patients and the severely restricted access to this breakthrough class of drugs.

Jim Taylor, President and CEO of Voices of Alzheimer's, said, "The results from the TRAILBLAZER-ALZ 2 Phase 3 study are a ray of hope for millions of Alzheimer's patients and their families.

“However, this hope is overshadowed by CMS's continued discrimination against Alzheimer's patients and the denial of access to these potentially life-altering therapies,” Taylor said. “We implore CMS to act in the best interest of those living with Alzheimer's and grant them the access to treatment they deserve."

Donanemab's promising results show a 35% slowing of clinical decline compared to placebo, with 47% of participants experiencing no decline in a key measure of disease severity at one year. Fifty-two percent of participants completed their course of treatment by 1 year and 72% completed by 18 months as a result of achieving plaque clearance.

Critically, these finding suggest that this groundbreaking treatment can improve patients' quality of life and help them maintain independence for longer periods: participants on donanemab had 40% less decline in ability to perform activities of daily living at 18 months [as measured by Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study – instrumental Activities of Daily Living Inventory.  This could result in years of improved quality of life for people living with Alzheimer's. 

Voices of Alzheimer's calls on CMS to acknowledge the changing environment and scientific innovation occurring in the field and revise their discriminatory policies to allow better access to diagnostic tools and treatments for people living with Alzheimer’s and those concerned about their cognitive health. The lack of coverage for diagnostic tools such as amyloid PET scans and the life-changing class of monoclonal antibody treatments for Alzheimer’s is a disservice to millions of Americans suffering from this debilitating disease.

We stand with Eli Lilly and demand that CMS reconsider their National Coverage Determination and provide full coverage and access for approved therapies, giving Alzheimer's patients the treatment options they need and deserve.

Voices of Alzheimer's remains committed to advocating for better treatment options, resources, and support for people with Alzheimer’s and their families. We will continue to fight for equitable access to diagnostic tools and treatments, and work tirelessly to end the discrimination faced by those living with Alzheimer's disease.

About Voices of Alzheimer's

Voices of Alzheimer's is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of people living with Alzheimer's disease. Our mission is to empower people living with or at risk of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive illnesses, united by urgency, to drive equitable access to innovation in treatment and care. We are guided and led by those affected by Alzheimer’s, but with a broad membership including those individuals in the generation at risk.  Our primary focus is to draw attention to the unmet medical needs of people with Alzheimer’s – especially to ensuring the FDA and CMS get meritorious products approved and into the hands of patients.

Learn more on the Voices of Alzheimer’s website, and on social media through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
